Thursday, February 24, 2011

Renewed Hope of the Eternal Nature of Family

Early this morning, I was so excited to hear from my family. As we commemorate the first year anniversary of my Nanay's death (grandmother), a spring of hope is restored as we witness a brand new life about to begin for our beloved Ate. There's so many reasons for her to give up on life, to stop hoping and praying, to be despondent and miserable, etc. But she rose above all that... like she always have. And we will forever look up to her. I know now why we chose her from time immemorial to be our Ate. She has been taking very good care of us since we were born (6 siblings after her) - literally our second mom. And she still is.

I am truly privileged to be loved by her. She's great in every way. I pray that you will find a man who will deserve your all-encompassing and compassionate heart. You are a real treasure. Congratulations for your leap of faith... we are all homeward bound. I look forward to the day when we all shall leave this temporary home called earth and join our Mama - no longer separated with space and time.
I love you Ate.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you my brave Little One for all these good words from you. Thank you for seeing the best in me in spite of my imperfections.

    I was able to stand from my fall because you and the family and my Isabella was there all along cheering on me. You served as my light during the darkest moment of my life. Mama was my inspiration.

    I find the present full of uncertainties and my only solace is the gospel of Jesus Christ that brings hope when I am discourage.

    Lolo, Uncle Art, Mama, Nanay and Baby Gab made me realize that our stay on earth has no guarantee. Our schedule is unknown, our flight would be any time and its important that we should always be ready and at our best for the call.
