Thursday, July 29, 2010

Once a Bully Always a Bully?

(this photo was taken from google. no copyright infringement intended. I just wanted to use it to state a point.)

When it comes to digital communication - social networking places on top. Social networking, like facebook, bridges people from the world over - my favorite feature because I've made really good friends while in BYUHawaii. Roommates from Switzerland, Maui, Tonga, Cambodia, Idaho, Hongkong, etc. Another great feature of social networking is it bridges us to our past. For instance, I have found most of my primary and secondary school classmates on facebook. And I am evermore in awe of the power of worldwide web. I've had great experience of reminiscin' the past with them as we exchange emails. It's also interesting that we can catch up with all those years that we haven't seen them in one seating as we check their profile, their photos, their notes, blogs, status, etc. It always bring pleasure to my soul to know of their successes and their struggles.

With all these wonderful perks we could get from social networks, there's one that I abhor the most - bullies! Using facebook to hurt someone - verbally and dismiss it as a joke. Classmates from primary and secondary school who are bully; who really loves to belittle people and who are downright smug. I had great hopes for them... that their years of experience had made them wise. Apparently not. Social networking has provided them more avenues to display their prowess on hurting people with their sharp and malicious tongue or pen (figuratively speaking).

As for me, I have resigned myself in hoping for the best in people. Once a bully always a bully? Yes... well... not forever;) (hope floats!)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Remembering Mama....

... this past couple of weeks, I have been pondering about death... and how I would embrace the idea of dying just to know how it is really beyond the veil. Since my Mom passed away... death seems like a welcome thought. About an hour ago, we heard the news about Bro Kee. He just passed away. I just saw him this Sunday and he handed me my tithing slip like always. We always sit behind him and his wife every Sunday... the sting of temporary separation is painful. And it's like relieving the loss of my Mom's passing over and over again. I guess this pain of separation doesn't end until we are reunited with those we love who have gone before us. Our task now is to live our life in a way that we can claim them as our forever family. And as my Mama would say everytime we stepped out of our house, " 'nak, CTR!" And Ma... I will so I could be yours and you will be mine forever and always.... love and miss you everyday of my life.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Dennis' 27th Birthday.

July 8, 2010 - We both had to work and on top of that there's Fifa World Cup that is more important to Dennis than his birthday. ;) I first had an "evil plan" for a birthday gift for my husband that would TOTALLY BENEFIT ME, MYSELF AND I. I have been eyeing on that Ukulele I found in Yamaha Store Bukit Tinggi Jusco. And I figured that since I wanted it really bad and its a bit pricey... I might as well kill 2 birds in one stone. Buy the ukulele, wrap it and put a red bow with a card that says "To my Dearest D... Happy Birthday. I love you!" I was seriously contemplating on it (for 2 weeks). I felt guilty but chuckling at the same time.. I thought it would be a good joke and its to my advantage in the end. I can only imagine Dennis so excited to receive the gift and be completely dumbfounded, if not, be very DISAPPOINTED to find an ukulele since he doesn't have any trace of musical inclination in him. He would probably say, "Is this for you, hun?" (I do have great hopes that in our life hereafter, we can sing duet in perfect harmony. And who knows, he might be able to play the ukulele there too ;)

Anyways, I repented. How could I be so selfish on my husband's birthday? That's so wrong! So I abandoned the plan. What happened next is a "Fastfood Birthday Celebration." July 7, 2010 (at night) - we ordered Pizza Hut and Honey Covered Chicken BBQ... since he is going to wake up at 2:30am (July 8, 2010) to watch socceer - Germany vs. Spain, he will have something to eat. And since I have class the following day, I had to sleep early. So, I sang "Happy Birthday" and ate the first 2 slices... and off to bed. July 8, 2010 At night... after work, we hang out and watched TV and dialled 1-300-13-1300 (McDonalds' Hotline). hehehe! Contrary to our goal not to have fastfood for this month, we made Dennis' birthday an excemption to the rule. So we made the most out of it and stuffed ourselves with fastfood. We watched the Season Finale of Glee - "Journey Episode" and we had fun :)

Oh, and I did buy him a gift. And its' definitely something that has nothing to do with ME, MYSELF, AND I. After being married for almost 2 years I still struggle with the concept of "IT'S NOT JUST ME NOW - IT'S US" - I have to say that it's so much better than "me being the center of the universe." Room to grow....

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 23rd Monthsary ;)

Yup, we are on our 23rd month mark and eternity to look forward to. Almost always, when its 2nd day of the month (when we plan something special to remember why - Dennis and myself - fell for each other), something bad happens that really puts our love for each other to the test. And my pride always make it worst. My feeling the "need-to-be-right" all the time overshadows reason. I am quite fortunate though to have Dennis who would shake me out from my selfish/prideful state to being selfless/humble. I'm not quite sure why I deserve him... I don't think I do. God knows that I need him to polish a lot of my 'rough edges'. Dennis always bear my imperfections with patience. We settled our "issue" the very same day.

Anyways, day after we settled our issue, I forgot that its' our 23rd month mark so I didn't really plan/prepare anything. Dennis, on the other hand, came home yesterday from work around 7:30pm - BEAMING! I can tell the excitement all over his face. I was puzzled. He then greeted me, "Happy Anniversary, Hon. I have something for you." Of course, being the Filipina that I am, flowers and chocolates are conventional 'offering' for this auspicious occasion - so I got excited of course. He pulled out the anniversary gift... and I WOULD HAVE NEVER GUESSED IT EVEN IF I WAS GIVEN A MILLION CHANCES. A bulb keychain! I laughed so hard that I offended my poor husband. I have to gather myself fast and redeem myself by thanking him for his thoughtfulness and apologize for my rudeness.

I was trying very hard not to laugh when he was adding the special feature of the keychain. You can push the button and it lights up! WOW, right?! So I said, "Wow" as sincerely as I wanted it to sound. He didn't buy it. He looked at me with those cute puppy eyes and said, "You don't like it. You're laughing at my gift" (Dennis - frowning). This time, I felt bad for making him feel bad. So I made up something to make the gift more meaningful by adding, "Oh, I think I know why you bought this for us, it means - I light up your life ;)" And Dennis is happy again. Just like that... and we played with our key chain (yup, he bought two) for 5 minutes and then ate our dinner.

Ok. With that said... I thought key chains are only "pasalubong". Its' what you buy for friends when you go to places. hehehe! But today, I learned from my husband the true meaning of "it's the thought that counts". Dennis' simple-mindedness subdues my complexities. He's the perfect ingredient for me;)Guys out there... key chain might work for your other half...(warning) but not always ;)